Starting from version 9.8.5, Spire.XLS supports creating pivot chart based on pivot table. This article is going to demonstrate how we can use Spire.XLS to implement this feature.
The input.xlsx Excel file:
Sample Code
using Spire.Xls; using Spire.Xls.Core; namespace CreatePivotChart { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //load the Excel file Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); workbook.LoadFromFile("Input.xlsx"); //get the first worksheet Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0]; //get the first pivot table in the worksheet IPivotTable pivotTable = sheet.PivotTables[0]; //create a clustered column chart based on the pivot table Chart chart = sheet.Charts.Add(ExcelChartType.ColumnClustered, pivotTable); //set chart position chart.TopRow = 19; chart.BottomRow = 38; //set chart title chart.ChartTitle = "Pivot Chart"; //save the resultant file workbook.SaveToFile("CreatPivotChart.xlsx", ExcelVersion.Version2013); } } }
Screenshot of the created pivot chart: