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This is an all-in-one solution to convert Word to PDF. Within this solution, you can either create a word from scratch or load a word template from folder, and then edit the document as you like; finally you can effortlessly convert word to PDF in C#, VB.NET. The conversion can be doc or docxto PDF. You can convert the document to PDF just in 2 steps: 1. Declare a document and load document. 2. Save Word document as PDF...Check the full text
06, May 2014, By Sourav Kayal, Software Developer/India
I am .NET learner passionate logger, like to .NET eat and sleep.
Let us think about this scenario: You are employed by an IT company. One of your company's products has been updated in a major scale. You need to inform all the customers of that product. And it is a quiet long list. It is very silly to write the notice one by one. It costs much time and man-power. You need a better solution to fulfill the work quickly and more efficiently. Here I provide you a solution to do the work by using a component...Check the full text
05, May 2014, By Sourav Kayal, Software Developer/India
I am .NET learner passionate logger, like to .NET eat and sleep.