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Edit/Replace the Content of Word Bookmark with HTML Code

2013-12-26 07:21:59 Written by  Administrator
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Bookmark can locate a range. Assuming the content of the range is some html code, how to change the content of the range. Spire.Doc supports bookmarks. And you can use Spire.Doc to fulfill the job.

In this article, a solution will be introduced. Spire.Doc provides you a method:

public void ReplaceBookmarkContent(TextBodyPart bodyPart)

Replace the content of bookmark with TextBodyPart bodyPart.

This method cannot handle html code directly. Here is what to do. First load the new html code to document. Then select the newly added data as TextBodyPart. At last, call the method to replace the content of the bookmark.

Step 1: Add bookmarks containing html code.

Paragraph p2 = section.AddParagraph();
p2.AppendHTML("<p><font color='blue'>This para is also Generated by Decoding HTML Code</font></p>");

Step 2: Add new html code to document.

Section tempSection = document.AddSection();
String html
= "<p>This Bookmark has been <font color=\"#ff0000\">Edited</font></p>";

Step 3: Get the new added html as TextBodyPart.

ParagraphBase replacementFirstItem = tempSection.Paragraphs[0].Items.FirstItem as ParagraphBase;
ParagraphBase replacementLastItem  = tempSection.Paragraphs[tempSection.Paragraphs.Count - 1].Items.LastItem as ParagraphBase;
TextBodySelection selection = new TextBodySelection(replacementFirstItem, replacementLastItem);
TextBodyPart part = new TextBodyPart(selection);

Step 4: Locate the bookmark "bookmark2" and call the method ReplaceBookmarkContent to replace the content. Then remove the temp section.

BookmarksNavigator bookmarkNavigator = new BookmarksNavigator(document);
//locate the bookmark
//replace the content of bookmark
//remove temp section

Preview the original screenshot:

Edit and replace bookmark with HTML

Preview the effect screenshot:

Edit and replace bookmark with HTML

Here comes to the full code:

using Spire.Doc;
using Spire.Doc.Documents;
using Spire.Doc.Fields;
using System;
namespace EditContent
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Document document = new Document();
            Section section = document.AddSection();

            //create bookmarks
            Paragraph p1 = section.AddParagraph();

This para is also Generated by Decoding HTML Code

"); p1.AppendBookmarkEnd("bookmark1"); Paragraph p2 = section.AddParagraph(); p2.AppendBookmarkStart("bookmark2"); p2.AppendHTML("

This para is also Generated by Decoding HTML Code

"); p2.AppendBookmarkEnd("bookmark2"); document.SaveToFile("BeforeReplace.doc"); //create a temp section to contain multiple paragraph. Section tempSection = document.AddSection(); String html = "

This Bookmark has been Edited

"; tempSection.AddParagraph().AppendHTML(html); ParagraphBase replacementFirstItem = tempSection.Paragraphs[0].Items.FirstItem as ParagraphBase; ParagraphBase replacementLastItem = tempSection.Paragraphs[tempSection.Paragraphs.Count - 1].Items.LastItem as ParagraphBase; TextBodySelection selection = new TextBodySelection(replacementFirstItem, replacementLastItem); TextBodyPart part = new TextBodyPart(selection); BookmarksNavigator bookmarkNavigator = new BookmarksNavigator(document); //locate the bookmark bookmarkNavigator.MoveToBookmark("bookmark2"); //replace the content of bookmark bookmarkNavigator.ReplaceBookmarkContent(part); //remove temp section document.Sections.Remove(tempSection); document.SaveToFile(@"AfterReplace.doc"); } } }

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Last modified on Friday, 03 September 2021 03:54