Spire.Office for C++ 9.1.0 is released
2024-01-26 09:58:48
We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.Office for C++ 9.1.0. In this version, Spire.XLS for C++ adds a custom exception class called SpireException. In addition, the issue that the header height became wider after converting Excel to PDF is fixed when the system language environment was set to Spanish. More details are listed below. Click the link to download Spire.Office for C++ 9.1.0: https://www.e-iceblue.com/Download/office-for-cpp.html Here is a list of changes made in this release Spire.XLS for C++ Category ID Description New feature - Adds a custom exception class called SpireException. Bug SPIREXLS-5040 Fixes the issue that the header…
Spire.Office for C++ 8.11.0 is released
2023-11-29 02:50:24
We are delighted to announce the release of Spire.Office for C++ 8.11.0. This version adds support for the Linux platform. Spire.PDF for C++ supports the PdfMarker type. In addition, some known issues are fixed in this version. More details are listed below. Click the link to download Spire.Office for C++ 8.11.0: https://www.e-iceblue.com/Download/office-for-cpp.html Here is a list of changes made in this release Spire.PDF for C++ Category ID Description New feature SPIREPDF-5945 Supports the PdfMarker type. intrusive_ptr<PdfDocument> doc = new PdfDocument(); intrusive_ptr<PdfNewPage> page = Object::Dynamic_cast<PdfNewPage>(doc->GetPages()->Add()); intrusive_ptr<PdfMarker> marker = new PdfMarker(PdfUnorderedMarkerStyle::CustomImage); marker->SetImage(PdfImage::FromFile(inputFile_Img.c_str())); std::wstring listContent = L"Data Structure\n"; listContent += L"Algorithm\n"; listContent +=…
Spire.Office for C++ 8.6.0 is released
2023-06-21 10:28:49
We are excited to announce the release of Spire.Office for C++ 8.6.0. In this version, Spire.Doc for C++, Spire.XLS for C++, Spire.Presentation for C++, and Spire.PDF for C++ fix the issue that the application threw exception while applying license to a program that used two or more of the C++ products and loaded files with stream. More details are listed below. Click the link to download Spire.Office for C++ 8.6.0: https://www.e-iceblue.com/Download/office-for-cpp.html Here are the changes made in this release Spire.Doc for C++, Spire.XLS for C++, Spire.Presentation for C++, and Spire.PDF for C++ fix the issue that the application threw exception…