Spire.XLS 8.4.6 supports to specify the image location type when converting Excel to HTML


We are glad to announce that the new hotfix version of Spire.XLS 8.4.6 is available today. On this new version of Spire.XLS, we add new features to specify the image location type when converting excel workweek to HTML and add a series of new interfaces to create conditional formats. We also focus on fixing the bugs, especially for the conversion feature from Excel to PDF, the bug when loading the excel file and some other bugs. View details as below:

New features:

  • Add new feature to specify the Image Location type (GlobalAbsolute or Relative to Table) when converting sheet to html.
  • HTMLOptions opt = new HTMLOptions();
    opt.ImageLocationType = ImageLocationTypes.TableRelative;
    //opt.ImageLocationType = ImageLocationTypes.GlobalAbsolute;
    sheet.SaveToHtml(string fileName, HTMLOptions saveOption);
  • Add a series of new interfaces to create conditional formats.
  • XlsConditionalFormats xcfs = sheet.ConditionalFormats.Add();
    xcfs.AddAverageCondition(AverageType averageType)
    xcfs.AddBeginsWithCondition(string text);
    xcfs.AddCellValueCondition(ComparisonOperatorType operatorType, double value1, double value2);
    xcfs.AddCellValueCondition(ComparisonOperatorType operatorType, string value1, string value2);
    xcfs.AddNotContainsTextCondition(string text);
    xcfs.AddTimePeriodCondition(TimePeriodType timePeriodType);
    xcfs.AddTopBottomCondition(TopBottomType topBottomType, int rank);

Bug solutions:

  • Fixes the issue that the "Percent" attribute did not make sense in "chart.Series[0].DataPoints[0].DataFormat.Percent=20; ".
  • Fixes the issue that caused incorrect style and content when converting Excel to Pdf.
  • Fixes the issue that the bottom graphic was incorrect when converting Excel to Pdf.
  • Fixes the issue that the cell filling lost when converting Excel to Pdf.
  • Fixes the issue that caused incorrect content when converting Excel to Pdf.
  • Fixes the issue that caused incorrect text color when converting Excel to HTML.
  • Fixes the issue that caused incomplete content on local and blank content on Azure after using sheet.ToImage() to save sheet to image.
  • Fixes the issue that caused a gradual increase in the size of the generated file when circularly changing the value of a cell.
  • Fixes the issue that caused incorrect content after saving.
  • Fixes the issue that the cell style lost after merging data.
  • Fixes the issue that caused InvaildCastException when changing text color.
  • Fixes the issue that the font of next text font had changed after modifying subscripts.

Welcome to experience Spire.XLS 8.4.6 with downloading here:
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