Spire.XLS 7.12.109 supports to manipulate more conditional formatting


We're pleased to announce that Spire.XLS Hotfix Version 7.12.109 is available today. This version supports to manipulate more conditional formatting and adds new property to stop processing the current rule when the condition meets. Besides, this update also includes some bug fixes. The complete list of new features and bug fixes are shown below.

New features:

  • Supports to manipulate more conditional formatting in XlsConditionalFormat and ConditionalFormatWrapper.
  • Adds ConditionalFormatWrapper.StopIfTrue property to stop processing the current rule when the condition meets.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the issue that caused the "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when saving the Excel using custom OTF font to pdf.
  • Fixes the issue that caused incorrect number format when the thread culture is not invariant culture.
  • Fixes the issue that caused the Accounting number format pushed the $ symbol outside the cell border when converting to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that change the PrimaryCategoryAxis.CategoryType property didn't work when loading an existing chart.
  • Fixes the issue that caused the ConditionalFormatWrapper.Priority property didn't work.
  • Fixes the issue that caused the AutoFitColumn method didn't work when the cell contains date time.

Welcome to experience Spire.XLS 7.12.109 with downloading here:
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