Spire.XLS 7.12.100 add new Formatting rule of Format only cells with “Dates Occuring”


We are glad to announce that the new hotfix version of Spire.XLS 7.12.100 is available today. On this new version of Spire.XLS, it supports to add new Formatting rule of Format only cells with "Dates Occuring". We also enhanced the conversion feature from Excel to PDF, Excel to CSV. And we fixed the bug when loading the excel file. View details as below:

New Feature:

  • Adds TimePeriodType enum to specify the time period
  • Adds ConditionalFormatWrapper/XlsConditionalFormat.SetTimePeriod(TimePeriodType timePeriod) to format only cells with dates occurring in a specific time period.

Bug solutions:

  • Fixes the issue where accounting Number Format didn't work correctly while saving Excel to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that caused the invalid column index exception while saving Excel to PDF.
  • Resolves the issue where the comma that is not an actual field separator was considered as delimiter while saving Excel to CSV.
  • Fixes the issue that caused the back color of ConditionalsFormat incorrect.
  • Fixes the issue that caused the OverFlowException while loading an Excel file.

Welcome to experience Spire.XLS 7.12.100 with downloading here:
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