Spire.Office 6.9.1

Spire.Office 6.9.1 is released

Spire.Office 6.9.1 is released. This version brings some new features, for instance, Spire.Presentation supports adding math equations and checking whether shape contains math equations., hiding the audio clip icon during the slide show, checking whether the PPT file is encrypted as well as converting PPT to OFD; Spire PDFViewer supports rotating pages as well as finding and highlighting text; Spire.Doc supports setting frame positions; Spire.XLS supports converting Excel to UOS and converting Excel to OFD. In addition, a lot of bugs have been successfully fixed. More details are listed below.

In this version, the most recent versions of Spire.Doc, Spire.PDF, Spire.XLS, Spire.Presentation, Spire.Email, Spire.DocViewer, Spire.PDFViewer, Spire.Spreadsheet, Spire.OfficeViewer, Spire.DataExport, Spire.Barcode are included.

DLL Versions:

  • Spire.Doc.dll v9.9.6
  • Spire.Pdf.dll v7.9.3
  • Spire.XLS.dll v11.9.3
  • Spire.Email.dll v4.7.0
  • Spire.DocViewer.Forms.dll v6.8.0
  • Spire.PdfViewer.Forms.dll v6.9.1
  • Spire.PdfViewer.Asp.dll v6.9.1
  • Spire.Presentation.dll v6.9.2
  • Spire.Spreadsheet v5.6.1
  • Spire.OfficeViewer.Forms.dll v6.9.1
  • Spire.Barcode.dll v5.7.1
  • Spire.DataExport.dll v4.1.9
  • Spire.DataExport.ResourceMgr.dll v2.1.0
  • Spire.License.dll v1.4.0
Click the link to get the version Spire.Office 6.9.1:
More information of Spire.Office new release or hotfix:

Here is a list of changes made in this release


Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPPT-1439 Supports adding math equations and checking whether shape contains math equations.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
string latexMathCode = @"x^{2}+\sqrt{x^{2}+1}=2";
IAutoShape shape = ppt.Slides[0].Shapes.AppendShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, new RectangleF(30, 100, 400, 30));

//Add math equation
TextParagraph tp = shape.TextFrame.Paragraphs.AddParagraphFromLatexMathCode(latexMathCode);

for (int i = 0; i < ppt.Slides[0].Shapes.Count; i++)

    if (ppt.Slides[0].Shapes[i] is IAutoShape)
        //Check whether shape contains math equations
        bool containMathEquation = (ppt.Slides[0].Shapes[i] as IAutoShape).ContainMathEquation;
ppt.SaveToFile("result.pptx", FileFormat.Pptx2013);
New feature SPIREPPT-1660 Supports hiding audio clip icons during the slide shows.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
foreach(Shape shape in ppt.Slides[0].Shapes)
    if(shape is IAudio)
        IAudio audio = shape as IAudio;
        audio.HideAtShowing = true;
New feature SPIREPPT-1662 Supports converting PPT to OFD.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
ppt.SaveToFile(ofdFile, FileFormat.OFD);
New feature SPIREPPT-1674 Supports checking whether the PPT file is encrypted.
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
Bug SPIREPPT-1657 Fixes the issue that the trendline label was not initialized after adding trendlines to the chart.
Bug SPIREPPT-1658 Fixes the issue that it did not highlight the matched text.
Bug SPIREPPT-1661 Fixes the issue that the hyperlink was missing after converting PPT to PDF.
Bug SPIREPPT-1665 Fixes the issue that the existing video could not be played after adding audio to the PPT file.
Bug SPIREPPT-1671 Fixes the issue that setting the slice angle for doughnut chart did not take effect.
Bug SPIREPPT-1673 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "DocumentReadException" when loading an encrypted PPT file.


Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPDFVIEWER-514 The ASP.NET control supports rotating pages.
input type=button id=PdfDocumentViewer1_btnRotate onfocus=this.blur() onclick=pdfdocumentviewer1.Rotate(pdfdocumentviewer1.RotateAngle + 270); value=rotate_270 
New feature SPIREPDFVIEWER-515 The ASP.NET control supports finding and highlighting text.
input type=text id=PdfDocumentViewer1_txtFindText onkeydown=if(event.keyCode==13){pdfdocumentviewer1.SearchText(this.value,true);return false;} value= 

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                this.PdfDocumentViewer1.FindTextHighLightColor =     System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(125, 255, 0, 0);
Fixes the issue that the display content of the PDF was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-491 Fixes the issue that Chinese characters in PDF file were displayed incorrectly.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-504 Fixes the issue that the ASP.NET control poped up an error message when no PDF file was loaded.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-506 Fixes the issue that the image covered the text content.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-513 Fixes the issue that the display content of the PDF was blurred.


Category ID Description
Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "System.ArgumentException" when converting PDF to images.
Bug SPIREPDF-3006 Fixes the issue that the printout was incorrect after printing the PDF file.
Bug SPIREPDF-4558 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "System.FormatException" when converting PDF to images.
Bug SPIREPDF-4560 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Value cannot be null" when setting image for a button field.
Bug SPIREPDF-4563 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Unexpected token Eof before 986932" when loading PDF files.
Bug SPIREPDF-4569 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "OutOfMemoryException" when loading the merged file after merging files.
Bug SPIREPDF-4572 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "System.OverflowException" whe converting PDF to images.


Category ID Description
New feature - Supports converting Excel to UOS.
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.SaveToFile(uosFile, FileFormat.UOS);
New feature - Supports converting Excel to OFD
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.SaveToFile(ofdFile, FileFormat.OFD);
New feature SPIREXLS-3348 Setting the "Values" field generated by the pivot table in Excel as a row label.
pivottable.ShowDataFieldInRow = true;
New feature SPIREXLS-3392 Supports converting group pictures/charts into an image.
List images = sheet.SaveShapesToImage(new SaveShapeTypeOption());
for (int i = 0; i < images.Count; i++)
    images[i].Save(string.Format(outputFile + "{0}.png", i), ImageFormat.Png);
Bug SPIREXLS-3337 Fixes the issue that the content in the chart was incorrect after converting Excel to SVG files or images.
Bug SPIREXLS-3335 Fixes the issue that the generated image was incomplete after converting Excel to SVG files.
Bug SPIREXLS-3343 Optimizes the content layout of converting HTML to Excel.
Bug SPIREXLS-3344 Fixes the issue that the generated image was incorrect after converting charts in Excel to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-3359 Fixes the issue that the generated image was incorrect after converting charts in Excel to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-3361 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when converting Excel to EMF streams.
Bug SPIREXLS-3366 Fixes the issue that the IsPasswordProtected() method only returned "true" after converting .XLSX files to .XLS formats.
Bug SPIREXLS-3367 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when using the CalculateAllValue() method.
Bug SPIREXLS-3374 Fixes the issue that the vertical page breaks in the generated file was incorrect after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3377 Fixes the issue that the fonts used in the generated file was different with the original file after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3378 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when getting the data range of the chart in Excel files.
Bug SPIREXLS-3380 Fixes the issue that the filter of the pivot table in Excel did not take effect after changing it.
Bug SPIREXLS-3387 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when converting Excel to PDF.


Category ID Description
New feature SPIREDOC-5818 Supports setting frame positions.
Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-5775 Fixes the issue that the mail merge area was empty in the generated file after mail merging using the string that contains ""in Word.
Fixes the issue that the content and format was incorrect in the generated file after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-6312 Fixes the issue that the borders of the table disappeared after inserting TOC to Word.
Bug SPIREDOC-6451 Fixes the issue that the content of the result file was overlapped after printing Word.
Bug SPIREDOC-6505 Fixes the issue that the merged result was incorrect after mail merging Word.
Bug SPIREDOC-6515 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when combining Word files.
Bug SPIREDOC-6580 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when converting  RTF to Word.
Bug SPIREDOC-6615 Fixes the issue that the image quality was lower in the generated file after converting  Word to  PDF using the PS mode method.
Bug SPIREDOC-6642 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception when loading Word.