
Spire.Office 4.3.1 is released

We are pleased to announce that Spire.Office is released today. This version adds some new features, such as Spire.PDF supports adding timestamp, Spire.Presentation supports printing the discontinuous slide range, Spire.Doc adds a new property to enhance the conversion from Word to PDF, Spire.XLS supports setting the page size as A6 when converting Excel to PDF. Besides, series of bugs that occurred when converting PDF to Word/SVG/image, converting PPTX to PDF, saving the Word document to stream, converting RTF to PDF, converting Excel to HTML/ CSV/PDF, adding header and footer to Excel and protecting Excel file are fixed. See the content below for more details.

In this version, the most recent version of Spire.Doc, Spire.PDF, Spire.XLS, Spire.Presentation, Spire.Email, Spire.DocViewer, Spire.PDFViewer, Spire.Spreadsheet, Spire.OfficeViewer, Spire.Dataexport, Spire.Barcode are included.

Dll Version:

  • Spire.Doc.dll v7.3.4
  • Spire.Pdf.dll v5.3.4
  • Spire.XLS.dll v9.3.6
  • Spire.Email.dll v2.1.8
  • Spire.DocViewer.Forms.dll v4.1.11
  • Spire.PdfViewer.Forms.dll v4.3.1
  • Spire.PdfViewer.Asp.dll v4.3.1
  • Spire.Presentation.dll v4.3.6
  • Spire.Spreadsheet v3.1.10
  • Spire.OfficeViewer.Forms.dll v4.3.1
  • Spire.Barcode.dll v3.1.1
  • Spire.DataExport.dll v4.1.9
  • Spire.DataExport.ResourceMgr.dll v2.1.0
  • Spire.Common.dll v2.3.4
  • Spire.License.dll v1.3.7
Click the link to get the version Spire.Office 4.3.1:
More information of Spire.Office new release or hotfix:


New Features:

  • Supports adding timestamp when signing a PDF. Kindly note that the timestamp servers supported at present must conform to RFC 3161 standard.
  • // Summary:
    //     Configure timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161.
    // Parameters:
    //   handler:
    //     the handler which generate timestamp token
    public void ConfigureTimestamp(PdfSignature.TimestampGenerateHandler handler);
    // Summary:
    //     Configure timestamp which must conform to RFC 3161.
    // Parameters:
    //   tsaUrl:
    //     TSA url
    public void ConfigureTimestamp(string tsaUrl);

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the issue that the content was in bad format after converting PDF to Word.
  • Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception when converting PDF to SVG.
  • Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception when printing a PDF document.
  • Fixes the issue that the extra hidden content was wrongly displayed after creating a booklet for PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception when converting PDF to image.
  • Fixes the issue that the field value could not be displayed when opening the generated.
  • PDF after adding a text field to existing PDF and then fill the field.
  • Fixes the issue that the content was in blank after converting PDF to image.
  • Fixes the issue that drawing content to XPS document failed.
  • Fixes the issue that some content was missing after converting XPS to PDF.


New Features:

  • Adds the following properties for printing.
  • //Enable slideFrame when printing.
    ppt.SlideFrameForPrint = true;
    //Set gray level for when printing
    ppt.GrayLevelForPrint = true;
    //Set the orientation to Horizontal or Vertical when printing
    ppt.OrderForPrint = Order.Horizontal; //Order.Vertical;
    //Print multi-slides to one page
    ppt.SlideCountPerPageForPrint = PageSlideCount.Three;
  • Supports to print the discontinuous slide range.
  • Presentation.SelectSlidesForPrint(Params string[])
  • Supports to set the document name for print task.
  • document.DocumentName = "file1";
  • Adds a new property "SmartArtNode.CoustomText" for specifying whether to customize the text style for SmartArt.
  • smartArt.nodes[0].CoustomText = true;

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the issue that caused incorrect format when converting PPTX to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that the application hung when loading presentation.
  • Fixes the issue that the hyperlink lost after converting PPTX to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that the content was bad formatted after converting .pptx to .ppt or PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that the chart series could not be successfully obtained.


New Features:

  • Add a new property "CreateWordBookmarksUsingHeadings" for keeping the Word headings as PDF bookmarks when converting Word to PDF.
  • ToPdfParameterList topdf = new ToPdfParameterList();
    topdf.CreateWordBookmarks = true;
    topdf.CreateWordBookmarksUsingHeadings = true;
    doc.SaveToFile(outputFile_PS, topdf);

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the issue that the MergeFIeld could not be correctly updated when it is in the nested IF field.
  • Fixes the issue that the content was in bad format after setting "SectionBreakType.NoBreak" and then converting to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that the image was overlapped after converting Word to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception when saving the Word document to stream with .docx format.
  • Fixes the issue that the underline format was lost after merging xml documents.
  • Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception when loading the Word file.
  • Fixes the issue that the application threw an exception when saving a Word file with the Czech culture.
  • Fixes the issue that the content of formula field was displaced after merging xml documents.
  • Fixes the issue that the formula had a bad layout after merging xml documents.
  • Fixes the issue that the hidden content was wrongly displayed after converting Word to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that the eq field content was in bad format after merging xml documents.
  • Fixes the issue that the justify alignment was not correctly rendered after converting Word to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that the double underline format was lost after converting RTF to PDF.


New Features:

  • Supports to set the page size as A6 when converting Excel to PDF.
  • sheet.PageSetup.PaperSize = PaperSizeType.PaperA6;
  • Supports to keep the original cell format after replacing the part of text.
  • XlsRange.TextPartReplace(string old, string new);

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Excel to HTML.
  • Fixes the issue that the data was split wrong after converting Excel to CSV.
  • Fixes the issue that the process threw System.ApplicationException when loading a file.
  • Fixes the issue that replacing image failed.
  • Fixes the issue that MS Excel 2007 hint an error when opening the result after adding Pivot table.
  • Fixes the issue that the process threw ArgumentNullException when loading a file.
  • Fixes the issue that opening the result file hinted an error after adding header and footer.
  • Fixes the issue that some part of hyperlink string was missing after converting Excel to HTML.
  • Fixes the issue that the text was not wrapped properly when converting Excel to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue that setting partial protection didn't work.