This is the list of changelogs of Spire.PDFViewer New release and hotfix. You can get the detail information of each version's new features and bug solutions.

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Hot Fix Version: 7.12.0

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-575 Fixed the issue that the application threw a "System.ArgumentNullException" exception when loading a PDF file.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER -576 Fixed the issue that the application threw a "System.OutOfMemoryException" exception when loading a PDF file.

Hot Fix Version: 7.11.0

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-561 Fixes the issue that the document content did not load smoothly when scrolling pages.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-564 Fixes the issue that the document content displayed incompletely.

Hot Fix Version: 7.7.1

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-492 Optimizes document loading time.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-542 Fixes the issue that the document became blank when viewing.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-547 Fixes the issue that the application threw "value can not be null" when rotating PDF.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-551 Fixes the issue that the stamp was lost when viewing.

Hot Fix Version: 7.1

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPDFVIEWER-526 Supports rotating page when viewing PDF by PdfViewer.
Fixes the issue that the PDF content displayed was incorrect.
Fixes the issue that the PDF content displayed was blank.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-378 Fixes the issue that the PDF text content displayed was garbled.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-469 Fixes the issue that the scroll bars still existed after setting "fitpage" for the zoom mode.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-518 Fixes the issue that the application threw "ArgumentOutOfRangeException" after changing the zoom mode.
Fixes the issue that the PDF content displayed was incorrect when using in WPF project. 
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-520 Fixes the issue that the PDF image was covered.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-543 Fixes the issue that some PDF content can not be displayed. 

Hot Fix Version: 6.8.6

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPDFVIEWER-514 The ASP.NET control supports rotating pages.
input type=button id=PdfDocumentViewer1_btnRotate onfocus=this.blur() onclick=pdfdocumentviewer1.Rotate(pdfdocumentviewer1.RotateAngle + 270); value=rotate_270 
New feature SPIREPDFVIEWER-515 The ASP.NET control supports finding and highlighting text.
input type=text id=PdfDocumentViewer1_txtFindText onkeydown=if(event.keyCode==13){pdfdocumentviewer1.SearchText(this.value,true);return false;} value= 

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                this.PdfDocumentViewer1.FindTextHighLightColor =     System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(125, 255, 0, 0);
Fixes the issue that the display content of the PDF was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-491 Fixes the issue that Chinese characters in PDF file were displayed incorrectly.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-504 Fixes the issue that the ASP.NET control poped up an error message when no PDF file was loaded.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-506 Fixes the issue that the image covered the text content.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-513 Fixes the issue that the display content of the PDF was blurred.

Hot Fix Version: 6.6

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-139 Fixes the issue that there were garbled characters after opening PDF files.
Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after opening PDF files.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-476 Fixes the issue that the content was not displayed when zooming in to view the PDF.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-440 Fixes the issue that it displayed a blank page after opening the PDF file.

Hot Fix Version: 6.3.2

Category ID Description
New Feature SPIREPDFVIEWER-482 Supports setting page label color of the thumbnail.
this.pdfDocumentThumbnail1.PageLabelColor = Color.Green;
this.pdfDocumentThumbnail1.PageLabelSelectedColor = Color.Yellow;
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-234 Fixes the issue that it did not take effect after setting the rotation.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-238 SPIREPDFVIEWER-241 Fixes the issue that the display content of the PDF was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-254 SPIREPDFVIEWER-269 Fixes the issue that the highlight position was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-281 Fixes the issue that the WPF-PdfViewer control icon was displayed incorrectly.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-483 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error “InvalidArgument“when loading the PDF file.

Hot Fix Version: 6.1

Category ID Description
New Feature SPIREPDFVIEWER-464 Supports the function of displaying page labels
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-448 Fixes the issue that the white color of the picture was displayed as black.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-462 Fixes the issue that Chinese characters were displayed in garbled characters.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-466 Fixes the issue that the page rotating failed.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-467 Fixes the issue that the background color of form fields was displayed incorrectly.

Hot Fix Version: 5.11.2

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-459 Fixes the issue that the font weight is not consistent with the source PDF when viewing in PDFViewer.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-460 Fixes the issue that the application threw the "StackOverflowException" when setting the Dock of PDFViewer as Fill and minimizing the Form.

Hot Fix Version: 5.7.2

Category ID Description
Fixes the issue that the content was not displayed correctly when viewing the PDF document.
Bug SPIREPDFVIEWER-449 Fixes the issue that the content of the exported image was incorrect.