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Spire.Office for Java 8.5.6 is released

2023-05-25 07:25:06

We are excited to announce the release of Spire.Office for Java 8.5.6. In this version, Spire.Doc for Java enhances the conversion from Word to PDF; Spire.PDF for Java supports determining whether a PDF stream document is encrypted or not; Spire.XLS for Java enhances the conversion from Excel to PDF; Spire.Presentation for Java enhances the conversion from PowerPoint to images. Besides, a lot known issues are fixed in this version. More details are listed below.

Click the link to download Spire.Office for Java 8.5.6:

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Spire.Doc for Java

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREDOC-7626 Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Word to OFD.
Bug SPIREDOC-8666 Fixes the issue that the paging was inconsistent after converting DOC to DOCX.
Bug SPIREDOC-8670 Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8712 Fixes the issue that the application threw "java. lang. OutOfMemoryError" exception when converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-8766 Fixes the issue that the application threw an error "Attempted to read past the end of the stream" when loading documents.
Bug SPIREDOC-9030 Fixes the issue that the document had extra blank pages in documents after converting DOC to DOCX.
Bug SPIREDOC-9064 Fixes the issue that page layout was incorrect after after replacing text with images.
Bug SPIREDOC-9264 Fixes the issue that the application  threw  "java.lang.NullPointerException" exception when replacing bookmark with table.
Bug SPIREDOC-9286 Fixes the issue that the values in dropdown boxes was incorrect after converting RTF to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9287 Fixes the issue that the application  threw  "This is not a structured storage file" exception when converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9290 Fixes the issue that the application  threw  "java.lang.StackOverflow" exception when converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-9300 Fixes the issue that the list number changed after the application calling getListText() method.
Bug SPIREDOC-9311 Fixes the issue that the application threw "java.lang.ClassCastException" exception when loading documents.
Bug SPIREDOC-9317 Fixes the issue that the file was incorrect after saving after saving as FileFormat.Docx_2016, FileFormat.Docx_2019.
Bug SPIREDOC-9327 Fixes the issue that the application threw "X509CertImpl" exception when the application running in the IBM Websphere environment.
Bug SPIREDOC-9372 Fixes the issue that the application threw "Unknown char: <" exception when loading documents.
Bug SPIREDOC-9390 Fixes the issue that the bookmarks could not be fully retrieved.

Spire.PDF for Java

Category ID Description
New feature SPIREPDF-5855 Supports determining whether a PDF stream document is encrypted or not.
boolean result = PdfDocument.isPasswordProtected(PDFstream);
Bug SPIREPDF-5323 Fixed the issue that content was cropped after converting PDF to images.
Bug SPIREPDF-5652 Fixed the issue that text content displayed incorrectly due to extra characters before and after the font name when converting PDF to Word.
Bug SPIREPDF-5878 Fixed the issue that a exception "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke '' because 'a' is null" occurred when using the product with reflection.
Bug SPIREPDF-5879 Fixed the issue that memory overflowed when converting PDF to images.
Bug SPIREPDF-5914 Fixed the issue that the bold font effect lost after converting PDF to HTML.
Bug SPIREPDF-5926 Fixed the issue that the program threw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exception when converting PDF to images.
Bug SPIREPDF-5976 Fixes the issue that the text was truncated when filling cells.
Bug SPIREPDF-5984 Fixes the issue that the application threw "NullPointerException" when converting OFD to PDF.

Spire.XLS for Java

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREXLS-4586 Fixes the issue that the positions of text and line were incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4606 Fixes the issue that using the sheet.insertArray method to insert data did not get the correct result.
Bug SPIREXLS-4612 Fixes the issue that the application threw "java.lang.NullPointerException" when loading Excel files.
Bug SPIREXLS-4615 Fixes the issue that the trend line was lost when converting charts to images.
Bug SPIREXLS-4634 Fixes the issue that the application threw "java.lang.ArrayIndexOfBoundsException" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4635 Fixes the issue that the application threw "java.lang.StringIndexOfBoundsException" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-4637 Fixes the issue that the date format was incorrect when converting Excel to PDF.

Spire. Presentation for Java

Category ID Description
Bug SPIREPPT-2237 Fixes the issue that getting the glow color of text failed.
Bug SPIREPPT-2239 Fixes the issue that the program threw an exception java.lang.NullPointerException when setting pictures using SmartArtLayoutType: PICTURE_ORGANIZATION_CHART.
Bug SPIREPPT-2241 Fixes the issue that the font size of h3/h4 title was incorrect when adding html content.
Bug SPIREPPT-2242 Fixes the issue that the saved document did not show the chart when viewed by WPS tool.
Bug SPIREPPT-2252 Fixes the issue that the background color was incorrect after converting PowerPoint to images.
Bug SPIREPPT-2253 Fixes the issue that the text position was incorrect after converting PowerPoint to images.