Fill Form Fields in Word Document in C#

We have already demonstrated how to create form field. This article mainly shows you how developers fill form field in word document in C# only with 4 simple steps by using a standalone .NET Word component Spire.Doc.

Make sure Spire.Doc for .NET has been installed correctly and then add Spire.Doc.dll as reference in the downloaded Bin folder thought the below path: "..\Spire.Doc\Bin\NET4.0\ Spire.Doc.dll". Here comes to the details of how developers Fill Form Field by using Spire.Doc:

Step 1: Open the form that needs to fill the data.

//Create word document
Document document = new Document(@"..\..\..\Data\UserForm.doc");

Step 2: Load data that will fill the form.

//Fill data from XML file
using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(@"..\..\..\Data\User.xml"))
    XPathDocument xpathDoc = new XPathDocument(stream);
    XPathNavigator user = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/user");

Step 3: Use the loaded data to fill the form.

//fill data
  foreach (FormField field in document.Sections[0].Body.FormFields)
     String path = String.Format("{0}/text()", field.Name);
     XPathNavigator propertyNode = user.SelectSingleNode(path);
     if (propertyNode != null)
         switch (field.Type)
             case FieldType.FieldFormTextInput:
                  field.Text = propertyNode.Value;

             case FieldType.FieldFormDropDown:
                  DropDownFormField combox = field as DropDownFormField;
                  for(int i = 0; i < combox.DropDownItems.Count; i++)
                      if (combox.DropDownItems[i].Text == propertyNode.Value)
                         combox.DropDownSelectedIndex = i;
                      if (field.Name == "country" && combox.DropDownItems[i].Text == "Others")
                         combox.DropDownSelectedIndex = i;

             case FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox:
                  if (Convert.ToBoolean(propertyNode.Value))
                      CheckBoxFormField checkBox = field as CheckBoxFormField;
                      checkBox.Checked = true;

Step 4: Save the document to file in XML or Microsoft Word format.

//Save doc file

Effective Screenshot:

Fill FormField

Full Source Code for Fill FormField:

namespace FillFormField
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //open form
            Document document = new Document(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\UserForm.doc");

            //load data
            using (Stream stream = File.OpenRead(@"..\..\..\..\..\..\Data\User.xml"))
                XPathDocument xpathDoc = new XPathDocument(stream);
                XPathNavigator user = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/user");

                //fill data
                foreach (FormField field in document.Sections[0].Body.FormFields)
                    String path = String.Format("{0}/text()", field.Name);
                    XPathNavigator propertyNode = user.SelectSingleNode(path);
                    if (propertyNode != null)
                        switch (field.Type)
                            case FieldType.FieldFormTextInput:
                                field.Text = propertyNode.Value;

                            case FieldType.FieldFormDropDown:
                                DropDownFormField combox = field as DropDownFormField;
                                for(int i = 0; i < combox.DropDownItems.Count; i++)
                                    if (combox.DropDownItems[i].Text == propertyNode.Value)
                                        combox.DropDownSelectedIndex = i;
                                    if (field.Name == "country" && combox.DropDownItems[i].Text == "Others")
                                        combox.DropDownSelectedIndex = i;

                            case FieldType.FieldFormCheckBox:
                                if (Convert.ToBoolean(propertyNode.Value))
                                    CheckBoxFormField checkBox = field as CheckBoxFormField;
                                    checkBox.Checked = true;

            //Save doc file.

            //Launching the MS Word file.

        private void WordDocViewer(string fileName)
            catch { }
