Spire.XLS for Java 3.5.7

Spire.XLS for Java 3.5.7 supports that only formula values are retained when copying cells

We're pleased to announce the release of Spire.XLS for Java 3.5.7. This version supports that only formula values are retained when copying cells. Besides,some issues that occurred when converting Excel to images and copying sheet are successfully fixed. More details are listed below.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
New Feature SPIREXLS-2148 Supports that only formula values are retained when copying cells.
Worksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
CopyRangeOptions copyOptions = CopyRangeOptions.OnlyCopyFormulaValue;
sheet.copy(sheet.getCellRange("A6:E6"), sheet.getCellRange("A8:E8"), EnumSet.of(copyOptions));
New Feature SPIREXLS-2156 Supports converting Excel to HTML.
Bug SPIREXLS-2265 Fixes the issue that the cell name was lost when copying sheet.
Bug SPIREXLS-2332 Fixes the issue that the application threw NullPointerException when converting Excel to Images.
Bug SPIREXLS-2336 Fixes the issue that the method cellRange.hasMerged() returned an incorrect result.
Click the link to download Spire.XLS for Java 3.5.7: