Spire.Presentation for Java 3.8.6

Spire.Presentation for Java 3.8.6 supports updating the Video data of PPT files

We're glad to announce the release of Spire.Presentation for Java 3.8.6. This version supports updating the Video data of PPT files, and it also supports getting the PartName property of Audio and Video as well as the Amount property of the emphasized type animation. Besides, it fixes some issues that occurred when converting PPT to PDF, getting/setting animations and saving files. More details about new features and fixed issues are listed below.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
New Feature SPIREPPT-1240 Supports updating the Video data of PPT files.
File file = new File("videoPath");
        FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
        byte[] data = new byte[(int)file.length()];

        VideoCollection videos = presentation.getVideos();
        VideoData videoData = videos.append(data);

        IVideo iVideo = (IVideo) presentation.getSlides().get(0).getShapes().get(0);
New Feature SPIREPPT-1270 Supports getting the PartName property of Audio and Video. 
for (int i = 0; i < presentation.getSlides().getCount(); i++) {
            ISlide slide = presentation.getSlides().get(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < slide.getShapes().getCount(); j++) {
                IShape shape = slide.getShapes().get(j);
                if (shape instanceof IAudio) {
                    String audioPartName = ((IAudio) shape).getData().getPartName();
                if (shape instanceof IVideo) {
                    String videoPartName = ((IVideo) shape).getEmbeddedVideoData().getPartName();
New Feature SPIREPPT-1268 Supports getting the Amount property of the emphasized type animation.
for (int i = 0; i < slide.getTimeline().getMainSequence().getCount(); i++) {
            AnimationEffect animationEffect = slide.getTimeline().getMainSequence().get(i);
            AnimationAmountType amount = animationEffect.getAmount();
optimization SPIREPPT-1161 Optimizes the file size of the generated PPT file.
Bug SPIREPPT-1107 Fixes the issue that the line position was incorrect when converting PPT to PDF.
Bug SPIREPPT-1166 Fixes the issue that it failed to set the underline of text range.
Bug SPIREPPT-1167 Fixes the issue that the created scatter chart with straight lines had needless markers.
Bug SPIREPPT-1183 Fixes the issue that the application threw "NullReferenceException" when saving the PPTX file.
Bug SPIREPPT-1219 Fixes the issue that setting the duration for animation didn't take effect.
Bug SPIREPPT-1238 Fixes the issue that the application threw "NullPointerException" when converting PPT to PDF.
Bug SPIREPPT-1239 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Unknown char: 林" when saving the file and reordering slides.
Bug SPIREPPT-1247 Fixes the issue that the duration of the animation obtained was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPPT-1248 Fixes the issue that the application threw "NullPointerException" when getting animation motion points.
Bug SPIREPPT-1252 Fixes the issue that it couldn’t get the animations of PPT file.
Bug SPIREPPT-1257 Fixes the issue that the br tag don’t take effect after inserting HTML string to PPT.
Bug SPIREPPT-1268 Fixes the issue that the Subtype property of the animation couldn’t be got.
Click the link to download Spire.Presentation for Java 3.8.6: