Spire.Presentation 6.1

Spire.Presentation 6.1 supports embedding ZIP objects into PPTX files

We are happy to announce the release of Spire.Presentation 6.1. This version supports embedding ZIP objects into PPTX files, loading and printing PPT/PPTX containing mathematical formulas as well as supports converting PPT/PPTX to other document formats. Furthermore, it also fixes the issue occurred in the process of copying group shape. Please see the details below.

Here is a list of changes made in this release

Category ID Description
New Feature SPIREPPT-1385 Supports embedding ZIP objects into PPTX files. (Note that 03PPT does not support this feature.)
String zipPath= "C:/test.zip";
Presentation ppt = new Presentation();
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(zipPath);
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle(80, 60, 100, 100);
//The first parameter needs to be passed the complete file name 
IOleObject ole = ppt.Slides[0].Shapes.AppendOleObject("test.zip", data, rec);
ole.ProgId = "Package";
Image image = Image.FromFile(@"E:\demoProducts\Image\logo.png");
IImageData oleImage = ppt.Images.Append(image);
ole.SubstituteImagePictureFillFormat.Picture.EmbedImage = oleImage;
ppt.SaveToFile(@"result.pptx", Spire.Presentation.FileFormat.Pptx2013);
New Feature - Supports loading and printing PPT/PPTX containing mathematical formulas and converting to other document formats.
Bug SPIREPPT-1395 Fixes the issue that the size of shape inside it was changed when copying group shape.
Bug SPIREPPT-1397 Fixes the issue that the shape's position was changed after the value of a shape inside group shape was modified.
Bug SPIREPPT-1398 Fixes the issue that the content was stretched when printing multiple slides onto one page.
Bug SPIREPPT-1398 Fixes the issue that the position of a shape was changed when the height of the shape was modified after cloning it into another slide.
Click the link below to download Spire.Presentation 6.1:
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