Spire.Presentation 4.11

Spire.Presentation 4.11 supports highlighting the specified text

We're pleased to announce the release of Spire.Presentation 4.11. This version brings several new feauters, such as supporting to highlight the specified text, supporting to set the rotation angle of the chart title, and supporting to set the type of the coordinate axis. Meanwhile, a number of bugs have been fixed by this update. More details are as follows.

New Features:

  • Adds ReplaceFirstText and ReplaceAllText methods to replace text.
  • ReplaceFirstText(string matchedString, string newValue, bool caseSensitive); 
    ReplaceAllText(string matchedString, string newValue, bool caseSensitive);
  • Supports setting the rotation angle of the chart title.
  • chart.ChartTitle.TextProperties.RotationAngle=-30;
  • Supports highlighting the specified text.
  • IAutoShape shape=ppt.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as IAutoShape
    TextHighLightingOptions options=new TextHighLightingOptions();
    options.CaseSensitive =true;
  • Supports setting the type of the coordinate axis.
  • chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.AxisType = Spire.Presentation.Charts.AxisType.DateAxis;
    chart.PrimaryCategoryAxis.MajorUnitScale = ChartBaseUnitType.Months;
  • Supports setting "until end of slide" for animation timing.
  • effect.Timing.AnimationRepeatType = AnimationRepeatType.UtilEndOfSlide;

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixes an issue that loading an encrypted pptx document failed.
  • Fixes an issue that converting PPT containing video to Html failed.
  • Fixes an issue that using the method AddNodeByPosition to insert a new node at the specified SmartArt node location failed.
  • Fixes an issue that copying chart in the same PPT file failed.
  • Fixes an issue that setting additional information in PPT to show or hide failed.
  • Fixes an issue that IsVaryColor property was invalid.
  • Fixes an issue that the size of the table included in the slide also became larger after increasing the size of the slide.

Click the link below to download Spire.Presentation 4.11
More information of Spire.Presentation new release or hotfix: