Spire.Office 6.3.3

Spire.Office 6.3.3 is released

We are happy to announce the release of Spire.Office 6.3.3. This update brings some fantastic features, for example, Spire.PDF supports removing form field as well as adding PDF Portfolio from stream; Spire.XLS supports changing data source in Pivot Table as well as setting the shape order and many more. In addition, a lot of bugs have been successfully fixed. More details are listed below.

In this version, the most recent versions of Spire.Doc, Spire.PDF, Spire.XLS, Spire.Presentation, Spire.Email, Spire.DocViewer, Spire.PDFViewer, Spire.Spreadsheet, Spire.OfficeViewer, Spire.DataExport, Spire.Barcode are included.

DLL Versions

  • Spire.Doc.dll v9.3.3
  • Spire.Pdf.dll v7.3.1
  • Spire.XLS.dll v11.3.4
  • Spire.Email.dll v4.1.2
  • Spire.DocViewer.Forms.dll v6.1.0
  • Spire.PdfViewer.Forms.dll v6.1.1
  • Spire.PdfViewer.Asp.dll v6.1.1
  • Spire.Presentation.dll v6.2.2
  • Spire.Spreadsheet.dll v5.3.0
  • Spire.OfficeViewer.Forms.dll v6.3.3
  • Spire.Barcode.dll v5.1.4
  • Spire.DataExport.dll v4.1.9
  • Spire.DataExport.ResourceMgr.dll v2.1.0
  • Spire.License.dll v1.3.8
Click the link to get the version Spire.Office 6.3.3:
More information of Spire.Office new release or hotfix:

Here is a list of changes made in this release


Category ID Description
New Feature SPIREPDF-4022 Supports adding page-piece dictionaries.
   PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(inputFile);
            if (doc.DocumentPieceInfo==null) {
                doc.DocumentPieceInfo = new PdfPieceInfo();
            doc.DocumentPieceInfo.AddApplicationData("ice","this is a uu");
            doc.DocumentPieceInfo.AddApplicationData("blie", "this is a uu");
            doc.DocumentPieceInfo.AddApplicationData("blue", "this is a uu");
            doc.DocumentPieceInfo.AddApplicationData("jis", "this is a uu");

            if (doc.Pages[0].PagePieceInfo==null) {
                doc.Pages[0].PagePieceInfo = new PdfPieceInfo();

            doc.Pages[0].PagePieceInfo.AddApplicationData("ice", "this is a uu");
            doc.Pages[0].PagePieceInfo.AddApplicationData("blie", "this is a 2222uu");
            doc.Pages[0].PagePieceInfo.AddApplicationData("blue", "this is a 3333uu");
            doc.Pages[0].PagePieceInfo.AddApplicationData("jis", "this is a 4444uu");

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            IDictionary<sstring, PdfApplicationData> dic = doc.Pages[0].PagePieceInfo.ApplicationDatas;
            foreach (string item in dic.Keys) {
                PdfApplicationData data = dic[item];
                if (data.Private is String) {

                    string ss = data.Private as string;
            File.WriteAllText(outputFile_txt, sb.ToString());
New Feature SPIREPDF-281 Supports removing form field.
string input = @"Field.pdf";
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
PdfFormWidget formWidget = doc.Form as PdfFormWidget;
if (formWidget != null)
//method 1
for (int i = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
PdfField field = formWidget.FieldsWidget.List[i] as PdfField; formWidget.FieldsWidget.Remove(field);
string output = "DeleteFormField.pdf";
New Feature SPIREPDF-4062 Supports adding PDF Portfolio from stream.
PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument();
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes("test.pdf"));
doc.Collection.AddFile("file.pdf", stream);
Bug SPIREPDF-949 Fixes the issue that bold effect of Chinese characters was missing when converting PDF to XPS.
Bug SPIREPDF-955 Fixes the issue that the application threw NullReferenceException when converting PDF to Image.
Bug SPIREPDF-1135 Fixes the issue that the background color tunred black when converting PDF to Image.
Bug SPIREPDF-3060 Fixes the issue occurred when opening the document encrypted by Spire.PDF with Adobe.
Bug SPIREPDF-3178 Fixes the issue that box-shadow effect was incorrect when converting HTML to PDF with plugins.
Bug SPIREPDF-4020 Fixes the issue that deleting the pencil annotations created by Spire.PDF failed.
Bug SPIREPDF-4025 Fixes the issue that the extracted text from PDF was out of order.
Bug SPIREPDF-4026 Fixes the issue that the application threw System.ArgumentException when saving PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-4029 Fixes the issue that the content of the PDF file saved by Spire.PDF was lost.
Bug SPIREPDF-4030 Fixes the issue that the application threw System.FormatException when converting PDF to Image.
Bug SPIREPDF-4033 Fixes the issue that the background of text turned black when printing PDF.
Fixes the issue that the contents were lost when converting PDF to Excel.
Bug SPIREPDF-927 Fixes the issue that a warning popped when opening the PDF saved after filling textBox form field.
Bug SPIREPDF-1322 Fixes the issue that the text order was incorrect when extracting text from PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-3039 Fixes the issue that adding timestamp to digital signature by using NETCore failed.
Bug SPIREPDF-3770 Fixes the issue that the saved PDF document size was big after splitting PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-3975 Fixes the issue that there wasn't output PDF when converting Html to PDF with Plugin in Linux.
Bug SPIREPDF-4038 Fixes the issue that the application threw System.ArgumentNullException when converting PDF to Image.
Bug SPIREPDF-4040 Fixes the issue that the generated file did not conform to the standard of PDF/A-3A after converting PDF to PDF/A-3A.
Bug SPIREPDF-4042 Fixes the issue that the application threw the error “An item with the same key has already been added” when getting the properties “DocumentInformation” and “Conformance” of the PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-4044 Fixes the issue that an error popped when opening the result file after compressing the images in the PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-4047 Fixes the issue that the drawn grid was incorrect.
Bug SPIREPDF-4053 Fixes the issue that an error popped when opening the result file after replacing the text.
Bug SPIREPDF-4056 Fixes the issue that it failed to add the weblink to PDF.
Bug SPIREPDF-4061 Fixes the issue that the generated PDF was blank when using the CreateTemplate method to draw PDF pages.
Bug SPIREPDF-4063 Fixes the issue that there was an error popped when opening the converted PDFA3A file in Adobe.
Bug SPIREPDF-4064 Fixes the issue that the document could not be edited after removing the signature field.
Bug SPIREPDF-4069 Fixes the issue that the layout was messed up when using WPS to open the result word document after converting PDF to Word.
Bug SPIREPDF-4070 Fixes the issue that the application threw System.FormatException when converting PDF to Image.
Bug SPIREPDF-4075 Fixes the issue that the verification failed when verifying the converted PDFA3A file


Category ID Description
New Feature SPIREXLS-813
Supports changing data source in Pivot Table.
var pivotTable = sheet.PivotTables[0];
New Feature SPIREXLS-3112 Supports setting the shape order.
New Feature SPIREXLS-3117 Supports operating the theme of Workbook.
//copy the theme from Excel
//set theme color 
workbook.SetThemeColor(ThemeColorType.Accent1, Color.Blue);
//get theme color
Color color = workbook.GetThemeColor(ThemeColorType.Accent2);
//set style as theme color
style.SetThemeColor(ThemeColorType.Lt1, 0.1);
//get theme color of style
bool isThemeColor = style.GetThemeColor(out themeType, out tint);
New Feature SPIREXLS-3120 Supports getting the range of freeze panes.
sheet.GetFreezePanes(out rowIndex, out colIndex);
Bug SPIREXLS-2419 Fixes the issue that getting series data in discontinuous areas failed.
Bug SPIREXLS-2808 Fixes the issue that the corresponding data was incorrect when setting PlotArea to create a chart.
Bug SPIREXLS-2916 Fixes the issue that the date formula conversion failed when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3006 Fixes the issue that the application threw "Exception Unhandled" when converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3085 Fixes the issue that setting HasMajorGridLines as "true" did not work when creating a new chart.
Bug SPIREXLS-3087 Fixes the issue that the application threw "System.NullReferenceException" when loading an XLSM file and threw "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException" when converting an XLSM file to HTML.
Bug SPIREXLS-3104 Fixes the issue that the recognition of date format data was incorrect.
Bug SPIREXLS-3115 Fixes the issue that the barcode of output PDF was displayed incorrectly when converting XLSX to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3116 Fixes the issue of the chart being updated incorrectly.
Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Excel to Image.
Bug SPIREXLS-2724 Fixes the issue that the font format was incorrect after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-2820 Fixes the issue that the pagination was incorrect after converting Excel to PDF.
Bug SPIREXLS-3084 Fixes the issue that the chart format was incorrect after saving it.
Bug SPIREXLS-3113 Fixes the issue that the color of pie chart was incorrect.


Category ID Description
Bug SPIREDOC-4100 Fixes the issue that the pagination was inconsistent when converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-4501 Fixes the issue that the checkbox was missing when converting Word to PDF.
Fixes the issue that the format was incorrect when converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-5448 Fixes the issue that the application threw  "System.InvalidOperationException" when loading a Word file.
Bug SPIREDOC-5503 Fixes the issue that it failed to obtain the value of "ListText"
Bug SPIREDOC-5507 Fixes the issue that the fields containing the image path were missing after converting XML to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-5510 Fixes the issue that the text was messed up after merging multiple files.
Bug SPIREDOC-5520 Fixes the issue that the application threw "DirectoryNotFoundException" when converting Word to PDF using PS method.
Bug SPIREDOC-5523 Fixes the issue that the application threw  "System.NullReferenceException" when converting Word to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-5524 Fixes the issue that the letter case was inconsistently obtained by "document.GetText();".
Bug SPIREDOC-5526 Fixes the issue that the indentation was incorrect after converting RTF to PDF.
Bug SPIREDOC-5530 Fixes the issue that the application threw  "System.ArgumentNullException" when converting HTML to PDF
Bug SPIREDOC-5544 Fixes the issue that the application hung when converting Word to image.
Bug SPIREDOC-5572 Fixes the issue that the application threw "System.DivideByZeroException" when converting Word to PDF.


Category ID Description
Bug SPREADSHEET-170 Fixes the display issue regarding number.
Bug SPREADSHEET-174 Fixes the display issue regarding text.