Spire.Doc hotfix 6.0.31 enables to control paragraph spacing


We're pleased to announce that the hotfix version of Spire.Doc 6.0.31 is released today. This version exposed the BeforeAutoSpacing and AfterAutoSpacing properties of Paragraph.Format object to control whether to automate the spaces before or after a paragraph. This update also fixed 12 bugs as usual. More details are as follows.

New Features:

  • Exposed the property Paragraph.Format.BeforeAutoSpacing.
  • Exposed the property Paragraph.Format.AfterAutoSpacing.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the issue that caused list number missing after cloning document.
  • Fixed the issue that caused NullReferenceException when applying the style for table.
  • Fixed the issue that caused wrong result after using table.AutoFit(AutoFitBehaviorType.AutoFitToWindow).
  • Fixed the issue that font cannot be embedded when using PS method to convert Word to PDF on Azure.
  • Fixed the issue that the quality of the image is not as good as original when saving to PDF.
  • Fixed the issue that caused ArgumentOutOfRangeException when using AppendHTML method.
  • Fixed the issue where form fields were overlaid when converting Word to PDF.
  • Fixed the issue that caused an extra chapter number when applying heading.
  • Fixed the issue that caused NullReferenceException when using the method LoadFromStream.
  • Fixed the issue that caused additional picture in INCLUDEPICTURE field after changing the size of picture.
  • Fixed the issue that the method GetText didn't get the text in shapes.
  • Fixed the issue that caused the exception "This is not a structured storage file" when using document.LoadFromStream(stream, FileFormat.Auto) to load a Html file.

Welcome to experience Spire.Doc 6.0.31 with downloading here:
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