We are using Spire.Office version 7.7.6 for .Net into a console App using 4.7 Framework.
My tests are made on a win10 PC.
I am converting a .docx file into a pdf file.
The docx includes an image in color.
The converted pdf file includes this image in an improper way.
First it is in white & black instead of color.
And second, it has been applied shrunk and repeated, cf screenshots.
The code is as follows:
- Code: Select all
Dim doc As New Document()
-- Code replacing text into the word file
doc.SaveToFile(documentAGenerer.CheminDestination, FileFormat.Docx)
In case it matters, the image is in the headers of the docx document.
Do you have any idea if this can get fixed?
.Docx source image:
.pdf result after convertion:
Thx in advance