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Spire.Presentation Namespace

Public class_Presentation
Represents an Presentation document.
Public classActiveSlide
Represents common slide types.
Public classAppException
Represents a standard internal exception type.
Public classAudioCD
Public classBaseShapeLocking
Represents a base class for shape locks
Public classCamera
Represents Camera.
Public classCell
Represents a cell of a table.
Public classCellCollection
Represents a collection of cells.
Public classClickHyperlink
Represents a hyperlink associated with a non-placeholder shape or text.
Public classComment
Represents a comment on a slide.
Public classConnectorLocking
Indicates which operations are disabled on the parent Connector.
Public classDefaultTextRangeProperties
Contains the text range formatting properties.
Public classDocumentEditException
Represents an exception thrown when edit presentation error is detected.
Public classDocumentReadException
Represents an exception about reading.
Public classDocumentUnkownFormatException
Exception about file format not supported.
Public classField
Represents a field.
Public classFieldType
Represents a type of field.
Public classFontScheme
Stores theme-defined fonts.
Public classGroupShape
Represents a group of shapes on a slide.
Public classGroupShapeLocking
Indicates which operations are disabled on the parent GroupShape.
Public classLightRig
Represents LightRig.
Public classLinearGradientFill
Public classLocaleFonts
Fonts collection.
Public classMasterTheme
Represents a master theme.
Public classNotesSlide
Represents a notes slide in a presentation.
Public classOleObject
Represents an Ole object.
Public classParagraphProperties
Represents the properties of a paragraph.
Public classPictureShape
Represents a picture in a presentation.
Public classPlaceholder
Represents a placeholder on a slide.
Public classPptObject
Public classPresentation
Represents an Presentation document.
Public classPresentationPrintDocument
Public classRelativeRectangle
Public classSaveToHtmlOption
save to html option.
Public classSaveToPdfOption
save to pdf option
Public classSection
Public classSectionList
Public classShape
Represents a shape on a slide.
Public classShapeAdjust
Represents a shape's adjustment value.
Public classShapeBevelStyle
Contains the properties of shape.
Public classShapeCollection
Represents a collection of a shapes.
Public classShapeLocking
Indicates which operations are disabled on the parent Autoshape.
Public classShapeNode
Public classShapeStyle
Represent shape's style reference.
Public classShapeThreeD
Public classSimpleShapeBaseLocking
Public classSlideBackground
Represents background of a slide.
Public classSlideColorScheme
Represents an additional color scheme which can be assigned to a slide.
Public classSlideList
Represents a collection of a slides.
Public classSlidePicture
Public classSlidePictureLocking
Indicates which operations are disabled on the parent PictureFrame.
Public classSlideSize
Represents a size of slide.
Public classTabData
Represents a text's tabulation stop.
Public classTableColumn
Represents a table column.
Public classTableRow
Represents a row in a table.
Public classTabStop
Represents a tabulation for a text.
Public classTextCharacterProperties
Represents a text rane with formatting.
Public classTextFont
Represents a font definition. Immutable.
Public classTextHighLightingOptions
Public classTextLineFormat
Represents format of a line.
Public classTextParagraph
Represents a paragraph of a text.
Public classTextParagraphProperties
Contains the paragraph's formatting properties.
Public classTextRange
Public classTextStyle
Summary description for TextStyle.
Public classTheme
Represents a theme.
Public classVideoData
Represents an image embedded into a presentation.
Public classWavAudioCollection
Represents a collection of embedded audio files.
Public interfaceIActivePresentation
Represents a component of a presentation.
Public interfaceIActiveSlide
Represents a component of a slide.
Public interfaceIAudio
Public interfaceIAudioData
Public interfaceIAutoShape
Public interfaceICommentAuthor
Public interfaceIDigitalSignature
Represents a DigitalSignature in Presentation.
Public interfaceIDigitalSignatures
Represents a Collection of DigitalSignature in Presentation.
Public interfaceIDocumentProperty
Public interfaceIEmbedImage
Public interfaceILayout
Public interfaceIMasterSlide
Public interfaceINoteMasterSlide
Public interfaceIOleObject
Public interfaceIShape
Public interfaceISlide
Public interfaceITable
Public interfaceITextFrameProperties
Public interfaceIVideo
Public enumerationAnimationRepeatType
Specifies the timing repeat type.
Public enumerationAudioPlayMode
Indicates how a sound is played.
Public enumerationAudioVolumeType
Indicates audio volume.
Public enumerationDirection
Represents the orientation of a shape.
Public enumerationFileFormat
Specifies the type of file format.
Public enumerationFontAlignmentType
Represents vertical font alignment.
Public enumerationFontCollectionIndex
Represents font's index in a collection.
Public enumerationFormatAndVersion
Specifies the format and version of file.
Public enumerationHyperlinkActionType
Represents a type of hyperlink action.
Public enumerationImportDataFormat
Represents source file format.
Public enumerationKnownColors
Represents predefined color presets.
Public enumerationLightingDirectionType
Indicates light directions.
Public enumerationLineCapStyle
Represents the line cap style.
Public enumerationLineDashStyleType
Represents the line dash style.
Public enumerationLineEndLength
Represents the length of an arrowhead.
Public enumerationLineEndType
Represents the style of an arrowhead.
Public enumerationLineEndWidth
Represents the width of an arrowhead.
Public enumerationLineJoinType
Represents the lines join style.
Public enumerationMetaCharacterType
Represents different types of meta characters used in a text.
Public enumerationNumberedBulletStyle
Represents the style of the numbered bullets.
Public enumerationOrder
Public enumerationPageSlideCount
page slide count
Public enumerationPlaceholderSize
Represents the size of a placeholder.
Public enumerationPlaceholderType
Represents the type of a placeholder.
Public enumerationPresetCameraType
Indicates camera preset type.
Public enumerationPresetLightRigType
Indicates light preset types.
Public enumerationPresetMaterialType
Indicates material of shape.
Public enumerationPresetShadowValue
Represents a preset for a shadow effect.
Public enumerationRectangleAlignment
Defines 2-dimension allignment.
Public enumerationShapeAlignment
Represents alignment of shape.
Public enumerationShapeArrange
Represents the arrangement of shape
Public enumerationShapeElementFillSource
Represents how shape element should be filled.
Public enumerationShapeElementStrokeSource
Represents how shape element should be drawn.
Public enumerationShapeType
Represents preset geometry of geometry shapes.
Public enumerationSlideLayoutType
Represents the slide layout type.
Public enumerationSlideOrienation
Represents the slide orientation.
Public enumerationSlideShowType
Public enumerationSlideSizeType
Represents the slide size preset.
Public enumerationSystemColorType
Represents predefined system colors.
Public enumerationTabAlignmentType
Represents the tab alignment.
Public enumerationTableBorderType
Represents table border style.
Public enumerationTableStylePreset
Represents builtin table styles.
Public enumerationTextAlignmentType
Represents different text alignment styles.
Public enumerationTextAnchorType
Alignment within a text area.
Public enumerationTextAutofitType
Represents text autofit mode.
Public enumerationTextBulletType
Represents the type of the extended bullets.
Public enumerationTextCapType
Represents the type of text capitalisation.
Public enumerationTextHorizontalOverflowType
Represents text horizontal overflow type.
Public enumerationTextLineStyle
Represents the style of a line.
Public enumerationTextShapeType
Represents text wrapping shape.
Public enumerationTextStrikethroughType
Represents the type of text strikethrough.
Public enumerationTextUnderlineType
Represents the type of text underline.
Public enumerationTextVerticalOverflowType
Represents text vertical overflow type.
Public enumerationTileFlipMode
Defines tile flipping mode.
Public enumerationTriState
Represents triple boolean values.
Public enumerationVerticalTextType
Indicates vertical writing mode for a text.
Public enumerationVideoPlayMode
Indicates how a video is played.