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PageSetup Class

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Spire.Doc
Assembly:  Spire.Doc (in Spire.Doc.dll) Version: (
public class PageSetup : DocumentSerializable

The PageSetup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBidi
Gets or sets whether section contains right-to-left text.
Public propertyBorders
Gets page borders collection
Public propertyCharacterSpacingControl
Character Spacing Control.
Public propertyClientHeight
Gets width of client area.
Public propertyClientWidth
Gets width of client area.
Public propertyColumnsLineBetween
Gets or sets the value specifies if a vertical line is draw between each of the text columns in the this section.
Public propertyDefaultTabWidth
Gets or sets the length of the auto tab.
Public propertyDifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter
Setting to specify that the current section has a different header/footer for first page.
Public propertyDifferentOddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter
True if the document has different headers and footers for odd-numbered and even-numbered pages.
Public propertyDocument
Gets the document.
(Inherited from OwnerHolder.)
Public propertyEqualColumnWidth
Gets or sets a value indicating whether equal column width.
Public propertyFooterDistance
Gets or sets footer height in points.
Public propertyGutter
Gets or sets extra space added to the margin for document binding in points.
Public propertyHeaderDistance
Gets or sets height of header in points.
Public propertyIsFrontPageBorder
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is front page border.
Public propertyLineNumberingDistanceFromText
Gets or setsdistance from text in lines numbering
Public propertyLineNumberingRestartMode
Returns or sets line numbering mode
Public propertyLineNumberingStartValue
Gets or setsline numbering start value
Public propertyLineNumberingStep
Gets or sets line numbering step
Public propertyMargins
Gets or sets page margins in points.
Public propertyOrientation
Returns or sets orientation of a page.
Public propertyPageBorderIncludeFooter
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border include the footer. If the page border is not measured from the text extents using a value of text in the PageBorderOffsetFrome, then it can be ignored.
Public propertyPageBorderIncludeHeader
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border include the header. If the page border is not measured from the text extents using a value of text in the PageBorderOffsetFrome, then it can be ignored.
Public propertyPageBorderOffsetFrom
Gets or sets the position of page border
Public propertyPageBordersApplyType
Gets or sets the value that determine on which pages border is applied
Public propertyPageNumberStyle
Gets or sets the page number style.
Public propertyPageSize
Gets or sets page size in points.
Public propertyPageStartingNumber
Gets or sets the page starting number.
Public propertyRestartPageNumbering
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to restart page numbering.
Public propertyVerticalAlignment
Gets or setsvertical alignment.
Protected propertyXDLSHolder (Inherited from DocumentSerializable.)
Protected fieldm_doc (Inherited from OwnerHolder.)
Protected fieldm_fFooterDistance
Protected fieldm_fHeaderDistance
See Also