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Spire.Doc.Documents Namespace

Public enumerationBackgroundType
Specifies BackgroundType
Public enumerationBorderStyle
Specifies style of the border line.
Public enumerationBreakType
Document's break type.
Public enumerationBuiltinStyle
Defines built-in styles.
Public enumerationCalendarType
Public enumerationCellMerge
Specifies the way of cell merging.
Public enumerationCheckBoxSizeType
Defines checkBox size type.
Public enumerationCommentMarkType
Defines types of comment mark.
Public enumerationDefaultTableStyle
Public enumerationDocumentObjectType
Specifies the type of a Document object type.
Public enumerationDocumentVersion
Defines document version
Public enumerationEditingGroup
This simple type specifies the set of possible aliases (or editing groups) which can be used as aliases to determine if the current user shall be allowed to edit a single range defined by a range permission with in a document. This mechanism simply provides a set of predefined editing groups which can be associated with accounts by applications in any desired manner.
Public enumerationEmphasis
Specifies the emphasis mark type.
Public enumerationFieldCharType
Public enumerationFieldMarkType
Defines types of field marks.
Public enumerationFollowCharacterType
The type of character following the number text for the paragraph
Public enumerationFontPitch
Public enumerationFontTypeHint
Defines the FontTypeHint enumeration.
Public enumerationFormFieldType
Specifies the type of a form field.
Public enumerationFrameHorzAnchor
Specifies the horizontal frame anchor.
Public enumerationFrameVertAnchor
Specifies the vertical frame anchor.
Public enumerationGradientShadingStyle
Public enumerationGradientShadingVariant
Shading variants for background gradient.
Public enumerationGridPitchType
Defines how tall a grid unit is up/down
Public enumerationGroupedShapeOrigin
Specify vertical/horizontal origin the object in the GroupedShape.
Public enumerationHeaderFooterType
Specifies type of the Header/Footer.
Public enumerationHorizontalAlignment
Specifies type of the horizontal alignment.
Public enumerationHorizontalOrigin
Specify object's horizontal origin
Public enumerationHyperlinkType
Specifies type of the link.
Public enumerationImageType
Specifies the image type.
Public enumerationImportOptions
Public enumerationLigatureType
Specifies the ligature type.
Public enumerationListNumberAlignment
Number alignments
Public enumerationListPatternType
Specifies type of the list numbering format.
Public enumerationListType
Specifies type of the list format.
Public enumerationLockSettingsType
Public enumerationNumberFormat
Defines Number format.
Public enumerationNumberFormType
Specifies the number form type.
Public enumerationNumberSpaceType
Specifies the number spacing type.
Public enumerationOleLinkType
Defines types of the ole object field
Public enumerationOleObjectType
defines the types of OLE object
Public enumerationPageAlignment
Specifies alignment of the text on a page.
Public enumerationPageNumberAlignment
Specifies PageNumber alignment.
Public enumerationPageNumberStyle
Specifies the Number Style for a page.
Public enumerationPageOrientation
Specifies orientation of the page.
Public enumerationParagraphItemType
Specifies type of the ParagraphBase.
Public enumerationPictureColor
Picture color types.
Public enumerationRowAlignment
Specifies type of the horizontal alignment.
Public enumerationRtfTokenType
Public enumerationSdtType
Specifies the type of a structured document tag (SDT) Element.
Public enumerationSectionBreakType
Specifies type of the section break code.
Public enumerationShapeLineStyle
Public enumerationShapeType
Specifies type of the Shape.
Public enumerationStyleType
Specifies type of the Style.
Public enumerationStylisticSetType
Specifies the stylistic set type.
Public enumerationSubSuperScript
Specifies type of the SubSuperScript.
Public enumerationTabJustification
Specifies the tab justification.
Public enumerationTabLeader
Specifies Tab leader.
Public enumerationTableRowHeightType
Specifies the table row height type.
Public enumerationTextAlignment
A 16-bit unsigned integer that specifies vertical font alignment for East Asian languages.
Public enumerationTextBoxLineStyle
Specify object's line style
Public enumerationTextDirection
Defines the direction of text.
Public enumerationTextFormat
Defines TextFormat
Public enumerationTextWrappingStyle
Specify text wrapping style for object.
Public enumerationTextWrappingType
Specify text wrapping type for textbox.
Public enumerationUnderlineStyle
Specifies style of the underline.
Public enumerationVerticalAlignment
Specifies type of the vertical alignment.
Public enumerationVerticalOrigin
Specify vertical origin of the object
Public enumerationWatermarkLayout
Specifies WatermarkLayout.
Public enumerationWatermarkType
Specifies the watermark type.
Public enumerationXHTMLValidationType
Specifies the XHTMLValidation type.