How to Calculate Formulas in XLS Document in C#


Excel is widely used to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. Excel provides many built-in functions which automate a number of types of calculation. Functions are pre-programmed formulate for example, the square-root function, trigonometric functions, logarithms etc. Excel has more than 300 functions covering a range of statistical, mathematical, financial and logical operations. There is no doubt that using a function offers a shortcut method.

Calculate Formulas in XLS Document

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool which has many uses, the most basic feature of which is performing functions. The aim of this article is to help you perform simple arithmetic operations on values in programming by using excel functions. Spire.Xls for .NET can help you easily create a new excel document or load an existing excel document into program, and calculate data of designated cell by function. Applied in Console platform, WinForm and, It provide different types of mathematical functions, statistical functions , logic functions ,and string functions to calculate data with C# codes.

The following is the method example of using Console application to show how Spire.XLS for .NET realizes the calculation formula:

Step 1: Build a console application, and add spire.XLS.dll, Spire.Common.dll assembly.

Step 2: Instantiate an object of Spire.Xls.WorkBook, and add a “WorkSheet” in WorkBook object.

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = workbook. Worksheets[0];

Step 3: Set the value and format in Cell A1 and Cell A3.veiwing the C# Code.

//set Column A, B, C width
sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 32);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 16);
sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 16);

// Set value of Cell A1
sheet.Range[currentRow++, 1].Value = "Examples of formulas :";
// Set value of Cell A2.
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Value = "Test data:";

// Set text format Of Cell A1
CellRange range = sheet.Range["A1"];
range.Style.Font.IsBold = true;
range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid;
range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
range.Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium;

Step 4: Set some cells value and then to sum up some cells data and the results will be displayed in one of the cells.

sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].NumberValue = 7.3;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 3].NumberValue = 5;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 4].NumberValue = 8.2;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 5].NumberValue = 4;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 6].NumberValue = 3;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 7].NumberValue = 11.3;
//Create arithmetic expression string about cells 

currentFormula = "=Sheet1!$B$3 + Sheet1!$C$3+Sheet1!$D$3+Sheet1!$E$3+Sheet1!$F$3+Sheet1!$G$3";
//Caculate arithmetic expression about cells 
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;

Step 5: Respectively set value and text format of Cell A4, B4.

sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Value = "Formulas"; ;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = "Results";
range = sheet.Range[currentRow, 1, currentRow, 2];
range.Style.Font.IsBold = true;
range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid;
range.Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium;

Step 6: Realize calculation simple expression.

// Create arithmetic tables enclosed type string
currentFormula = "=33*3/4-2+10";
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
// Caculate arithmetic expression
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;

Step 7: Realize some mathematic functions.

//absolute value function .
currentFormula = "=ABS(-1.21)";
sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
sheet.Range[currentRow++, 2].Formula = currentFormula;

Step 8: Realize some logic function.

//NOT function
//Create NOT function string 
currentFormula = "=NOT(true)";
sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
//Caculate NOT function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right;

Step 9: Realize some string handling functions.

//Get the substring
// Build substring function
currentFormula = "=MID(\"world\",4,2)";
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
//Caculate substring function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right;

Step 10: Realize a random function.

// Random function
// Create random function string.
currentFormula = "=RAND()";
sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
//Caculate random function
formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
value = formulaResult.ToString();
sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;

Step 11: Save workbook object as file.


Viewing the full c# code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Spire.Xls;

namespace XlsCalculateFormula
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Instanitate an object of Spire.Xls.Workbook
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            // Add a Spire.Xls.Worksheet to Spire.Xls.Workbook
            Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            int currentRow = 1;
            string currentFormula = string.Empty;
            object formulaResult = null;
            string value = string.Empty;

            // Set width respectively of Column A ,Column B,Column C 
            sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 32);
            sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 16);
            sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 16);

            //Set the value of Cell A1
            sheet.Range[currentRow++, 1].Value = "Examples of formulas :";
            // Set the value of Cell A2
            sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Value = "Test data:";
            // Set the style of Cell A1
            CellRange range = sheet.Range["A1"];
            range.Style.Font.IsBold = true;
            range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid;
            range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
            range.Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium;

            // Additive operation of mutiple cells
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].NumberValue = 7.3;
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 3].NumberValue = 5; ;
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 4].NumberValue = 8.2;
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 5].NumberValue = 4;
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 6].NumberValue = 3;
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 7].NumberValue = 11.3;
            // Create arithmetic expression string about cells 
            currentFormula = "=Sheet1!$B$3 + Sheet1!$C$3+Sheet1!$D$3+Sheet1!$E$3+Sheet1!$F$3+Sheet1!$G$3";
            //Caculate arithmetic expression  about cells 
            formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
            value = formulaResult.ToString();
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;

            // Set the value and format of two head cell
            sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Value = "Formulas"; ;
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = "Results";
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right;
            range = sheet.Range[currentRow, 1, currentRow, 2];
            range.Style.Font.IsBold = true;
            range.Style.KnownColor = ExcelColors.LightGreen1;
            range.Style.FillPattern = ExcelPatternType.Solid;
            range.Style.Borders[BordersLineType.EdgeBottom].LineStyle = LineStyleType.Medium;
            // Expression caculation

            // Create arithmetic tables enclosed type string
            currentFormula = "=33*3/4-2+10";
            sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
            // Caculate arithmetic expression
            formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
            value = formulaResult.ToString();
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;

            /// The mathematics function ///

            //Absolute value function

            // Create abosolute value function string
            currentFormula = "=ABS(-1.21)";
            sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
            // Caculate abosulte value function
            formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
            value = formulaResult.ToString();
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;

            ///  Statistical function///

            // Sum function
            // Create sum function string
            currentFormula = "=SUM(18,29)";
            sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
            // Caculate sum function
            formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
            value = formulaResult.ToString();
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;

            ///logic function///
            //NOT function
            // Create NOT function string 
            currentFormula = "=NOT(true)";
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
            //Caculate NOT function
            formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
            value = formulaResult.ToString();
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right;

            ///String Manipulation function///          
            //Get the substring
            // Build substring function
            currentFormula = "=MID(\"world\",4,2)";
            sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
            //Caculate substring function
            formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
            value = formulaResult.ToString();
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignType.Right;

            // Random function
            // Create random function string.
            currentFormula = "=RAND()";
            sheet.Range[++currentRow, 1].Text = currentFormula;
            //Caculate random function
            formulaResult = workbook.CaculateFormulaValue(currentFormula);
            value = formulaResult.ToString();
            sheet.Range[currentRow, 2].Value = value;

            // Save Spire.Xls.Workbook as exel file

