Spire.Doc 5.3.83 adds a property to add line between two columns


We are glad to announce the new hotfix version of Spire.Doc 5.3.83 today. We not only add new feature to support setting the path to font when convert word to PDF, but also fixing bugs in this version. Viewing the following full description of its improved functions:

New feature:

Add a new feature to add "Line Between" in the document column settings.

Section.PageSetup.ColumnsLineBetween = true;

Add a new feature to set the IMG at vertical-align:middle when append HTML string code to .doc.

Paragraph p = doc.Sections[0].AddParagraph();
p.Format.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

Bug Solutions:

  • Fixes the issue that caused the content displyed incorrectly when convert .doc to PDF.
  • Fixes the issue where it failed to convert .doc to PDF.
  • Supports the "picprop" keywords when save as RTF document.
  • Fixes the issue that caused tab keywords failed to analyze when convert rtf to rtf.
  • Fixes the issue that caused the image lost when convert rtf to rtf.
  • Fixes the issue where it failed to load some .docx/RTF documents.
  • Fixes the issue that caused the negative number is set as positive when mail merged.
  • Fixes the issue where the result is not correct when convert some RTF documents to PDF.

Welcome to experience Spire.Doc 5.3.83 with downloading here:
